Nationwide Cancels Pet Insurance Policies, Leaving Owners Concerned
Many pet owners are expressing their frustration with Nationwide’s recent decision to cancel numerous pet insurance policies. This move has left many worried about potential gaps in their pets’ healthcare coverage, particularly for those with pre-existing health issues.
One Houston resident, Kristina Vlantes, shared her dismay. She highlighted that after two decades as a Nationwide customer, her premiums had doubled, prompting concerns about affording care for her Chows, Bo and Kasey, should they need expensive treatments.
“They’re part of my family. I don’t have children; the dogs are part of my family, so I would treat them just like I would have a kid,” said Kristina Vlantes.
Eric Kappotis, another affected pet owner, saw his premiums surge before receiving a cancellation notice for his Doberman Pinscher, Riley.
“He has pretty much become allergic to every grass that grows in New England,” said Kappotis.
Nationwide, in their official statement, stated that these cancellations aren’t influenced by factors like the pet’s age, breed, or past claims. However, members of a Facebook group, “Dropped By Nationwide Pet Insurance Whole Wellness,” report that senior pets and those grappling with significant health problems have been impacted. Robin Tobias, a group administrator, pointed out that some pets undergoing chemotherapy, suffering from seizures, or dealing with neurological disorders are among those affected.
Many of these pet owners now face the challenge of finding alternative insurance that would cover pre-existing conditions. Some are even considering legal action. The Texas Department of Insurance has advised that individuals with unresolved complaints against Nationwide can file a formal complaint, although they haven’t received any complaints related to this announcement yet. Nationwide, when questioned directly about these concerns, deferred to their initial statement, expressing empathy for affected pet owners and assuring continued coverage until the end of their current term.