In a lawsuit filed late December, Philip A. Monroe and his wife, Frances R. Monroe, from California, are seeking financial damages for Philip’s malignant mesothelioma diagnosis. The lawsuit names Air & Liquid Systems Corporation, Ford Motor Company, Foster Wheeler, John Crane, Inc., Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, and Honeywell International, Inc., among others, as responsible parties.
Mr. and Mrs. Monroe’s claim details that Philip A. Monroe served in the U.S. Navy from 1957 to 1989. Furthermore, he worked on home remodeling and automotive repairs from the 1950s to the 1970s. The lawsuit contends that his exposure to asbestos fibers, through inhalation, ingestion, or other means, stemmed from products manufactured, sold, distributed, or installed by more than 50 defendants. The Monroes’ filing alleges these companies were aware of asbestos dangers but failed to adequately warn Mr. Monroe and others about the risks.
The couple is seeking both compensatory and punitive damages. They argue that Mr. Monroe’s mesothelioma resulted from the companies’ reckless disregard for the harm their products caused. The lawsuit also accuses Metropolitan Life Insurance Company of a conspiracy, dating back to the 1920s, to conceal the risks of asbestos exposure. This alleged conspiracy includes suppressing the results of tests that revealed these dangers and ending research conducted by certain scientists.
Beyond the claims related to Mr. Monroe’s illness, Mrs. Monroe is also seeking compensation for the loss of her husband’s companionship and support. The case has been filed in the Third Circuit Court in Madison County, Illinois.