Horizon Casualty Services: Pioneering Workers’ Compensation and Auto PPO Solutions in New Jersey
Horizon Casualty Services, an affiliate of Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Jersey, has established itself as a significant player in managing workers’ compensation (WC) and personal injury protection (PIP) services within the state. Here’s a look at what sets Horizon Casualty Services (HCS) apart.

Founded in 1994 with its headquarters in Newark, NJ, HCS provides essential support to those injured at work or in automobile accidents. As a state-approved workers’ compensation managed care organization (WCMCO), HCS delivers a comprehensive suite of services focused on achieving the best possible outcomes for injured individuals. These services include:
Robust Provider Network and Directory Management
HCS maintains a strong network of providers experienced in WC and PIP claims, contracting with those best suited to the injured individual’s needs. The network includes nearly all hospitals and Level 1 and 2 trauma centers throughout New Jersey. HCS identifies initial treaters, specialists, physical therapy centers, and more. A proprietary system is used to highlight top providers.
Referral Services and Appointment Scheduling
HCS assists claimants by facilitating referrals to in-network providers to ensure they receive the appropriate care at the most affordable cost.
Utilization Management
Registered Nurses at HCS summarize claimant discharges from hospitals to provide clients concise information for managing claims.
Provider Performance Monitoring and Evaluation
Registered Nurses continuously monitor and assess the performance of providers, which is vital to maintaining the quality of care within the network. HCS also offers clients free access to its Outcomes Focused Network.
Jackie Alonso, President of Horizon Casualty Services, notes that HCS provides top-tier service and products for NJ workers’ compensation and auto insurance. Coupled with its specialized software, experienced team, and deep industry insights, HCS offers clients an impeccable product with deep network discounts.

According to Alonso, listening to client feedback allows HCS to maintain and evolve its products and services, focusing on meeting their needs. HCS collaborates with local providers to offer clients real-world experience of how a top-tier WC and Auto PPO should operate.
For more information, contact Jed Hoban, HCS Business Development Executive, at [email protected], or visit https://www.horizonblue.com/horizoncasualty/.
HCS, an affiliate of Horizon, has served the New Jersey market since 1994 as a leading PPO. HCS boasts a fully direct-contracted provider network, including virtually all New Jersey acute care hospitals. This focus leads to considerable overall savings and a very low appeals rate. Its PPO results, incorporating its Healthcare Value Strategy and Outcomes Focused Network, enable insurers to offer top-quality medical care to clients at the right price, creating an ideal outcome for all stakeholders.
HCS and Horizon are independent licensees of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association.