On October 16, Ashpia Natasha experienced a highway collision in Queens, New York, which she believes was an attempt at insurance fraud. The incident, captured by her dashcam, shows a silver Honda backing into her vehicle. Natasha shared the video on TikTok, where it quickly garnered millions of views.
Initially, the clip reveals a silver Honda cutting in front of Natasha’s car, prompting her to engage the brakes. The Honda then reverses directly into the front of Natasha’s vehicle.
“Oh my God!” Natasha exclaims to her husband on speakerphone, according to the dash cam video and reported by local affiliate WPIX. “What is he doing?…I got into an accident.”
After the collision, four individuals emerged from the Honda, appearing shaken and taking photographs of the damage with their phones. Natasha recounted to Good Morning America that she treated the situation as a regular accident and exchanged information with the other driver.
However, closer inspection of the footage suggests something more. ABC affiliate WABC reports that the Honda’s backseat passengers appeared to be covering the back window with a tarp immediately after the collision. The driver then went to the front passenger side before exiting the vehicle, allegedly injured.
Natasha claims that the Honda’s occupants seemed eager to leave, but was told the female driver didn’t speak English. Shortly after, a second vehicle, which had been following her, quickly left the scene as well.
She told WPIX, “I watched the video multiple times and that’s when it hit me that, oh my God, this is probably a setup.”
Natasha wrote on her TikTok that she reported the event as an accident though the police said that they don’t respond if there are no injuries and if information was exchanged.
Her car sustained $8,000 in damage, covered by her insurance. New York City Police confirmed that the investigation remains ongoing by the NYPD Criminal Enterprise Investigation Unit’s Fraudulent Collision Investigation Squad.
PEOPLE contacted Natasha on Oct. 22 for additional comment.