Allianz Trade Executive Discusses Technology’s Impact on Global Trade Coverage
Artur Wisniewski, appointed COO of the Americas region for Allianz Trade in January 2025, is leading the charge in integrating technology within Allianz Trade’s operations. Digital Insurance recently spoke with Wisniewski about the advancements shaping the insurance industry, the influence of artificial intelligence, and the company’s future strategies.

Wisniewski, now based in Baltimore, previously headed the Allianz Trade Global Competence Center in Bucharest. He joined Allianz in 2018 following the acquisition of Euler Hermes, where he held leadership roles since 2007. Allianz Trade specializes in trade credit insurance, supporting corporate business transactions.
This interview has been edited for clarity.
What are the key challenges in the insurance industry concerning technology and innovation?
“Digital transformation is changing everything. Trade credit insurance is not immune to it. We are one of the oldest on the market. Our company in the U.S. is more than 30 years old,” Wisniewski explains. “We have our schematics for how to do things, but especially over the last 15-20 years, there’s been a lot of changes, including automation, big data and artificial intelligence. For example, with current experiments with artificial intelligence in claims fraud prevention, the first results are very promising.”

“We are definitely open to what can bring our customers added value, such as more accurate answers on claims, to assess the claims more accurately and faster in benefit to our customers.”
How is Allianz progressing with digital transformation?
“We are currently undergoing the complete change in our systems technologies we use. The U.S. is already partially on our new platform,” Wisniewski said. “This was done not only to convert our own systems to newer technologies, but also for all the novelties on the market. We use similar technology to analyze the market trends and be faster with warning our customers that something is going in the wrong direction on the market. We are systematically enhancing our financial systems to more accurately invoice our customers and explain why they got the invoice. Over the last three, four years, it’s completely changed in the way we do business with our customers and how we approach technology.”
What advantages does the new platform offer?
“It allows us to connect with our smaller projects. With two APIs, we can pin artificial intelligence set engines much faster. We can test and enhance our automation of claims assessment and claims assessment and credit monitoring. On the commercial side, it allows us to interact faster with our customers, with our more accurate database.”
What efficiencies have been achieved through these changes?
“Since 2020, when we started the journey for the Americas [Allianz Trade serves the U.S., Canada and Brazil], we are probably 70 to 80% more efficient. Of course, this is only what we can get from our commercial teams on the market, especially over the last two years. The feedback from the market is that we are a little bit ahead with all those technological changes.”