Ben Tulfo Seeks Life Insurance for Barangay Volunteers
Senatorial candidate Ben “Bitag” Tulfo has proposed providing life insurance to barangay volunteers in the Philippines, recognizing the risks they face while aiding communities during disasters and emergencies.
“What if you die as a volunteer frontliner during a calamity? What will happen to your family left behind? There is no life insurance in this dangerous work?” Tulfo stated in an address to residents of two Nueva Ecija municipalities, where he was invited to speak on Sunday.
“Which of the national candidates running is promoting this for you?” he added.
Barangay officials, residents, and students attended the gatherings in Talavera and Rizal.
Tulfo emphasized the importance of recognizing the contributions of volunteers.
“We must give dignity and importance to the volunteer frontliners in the barangay, under the DILG and other agencies. Most of the volunteers in the barangay, only receive an allowance, not a salary. Currently, what the barangay tanods and other volunteers receive is as high as P1,000 per month,” Tulfo said.
He further stated, “If the Almighty God wills, this is what I will review and visit, the current laws pertaining to disaster and emergency response. The welfare of the volunteers is important to me because their lives are at stake.” He has been actively promoting the formation of a Department of Disaster and Emergency, aimed at improving disaster response.