The CIA’s foray into the world of the paranormal during the Cold War has yielded some intriguing, and frankly, bizarre results. Newly declassified documents reveal the agency’s interest in psychic phenomena, including a secret project focused on locating the Ark of the Covenant.
The information suggests that the CIA explored the use of individuals with purported extrasensory perception (ESP) in the hopes of gleaning actionable intelligence. Though details are scarce, the files indicate a serious, albeit unusual, effort to harness psychic abilities for espionage and strategic advantage. The Ark of the Covenant, a highly significant religious artifact, was a specific target of this unconventional investigation.
While the files provide tantalizing hints, they also raise many questions. The ultimate success, or failure, of the CIA’s psychic endeavors to find the Ark remains unknown based on the available documents. Regardless, the declassified material provides a fascinating snapshot of the Cold War era, where the agency was willing to explore unconventional methods in the pursuit of national security.