Pet owners considering insurance for their canine companions should be aware that the cost of coverage can vary significantly depending on the dog breed. A recent analysis by Spot Pet Insurance highlights the financial implications of breed-specific health concerns.
The French bulldog, the most popular dog breed in the United States for the past two years, tops the list of breeds that are expensive to insure, due to their flat faces, which predisposes them to breathing and eye problems. The Cane Corso, a mastiff, is the most expensive breed to insure, according to Spot Pet Insurance.
“Frenchies” are the second-most-expensive dog breed to cover, according to Trey Ferro, chief executive of Spot Pet Insurance, which has 330,000 active policies. The cost rankings are based on average policy premiums as well as the most costly claim paid for the breed. The dog’s age and the type of policy chosen can also affect costs, the company said.
At the other end of the spectrum, Chihuahuas and Maltipoos, a Maltese-poodle cross, are among the least expensive breeds to insure.
Dr. Jerry Klein, chief veterinary officer for the American Kennel Club, noted that many of the breeds on the insurer’s most-costly list are large animals, while small breeds dominate the least-costly list. “Big dogs cost more, period,” Dr. Klein said, explaining that they consume more food, require larger equipment, and often need higher dosages of medicine and anesthesia if they require medical care.