The City of Revelstoke has received a significant boost in its fire protection rating, a change that could translate into lower insurance costs for homeowners. Fire Chief Steven DeRousie announced the upgrade, emphasizing both the enhanced safety measures and the potential for financial benefits.
According to a recent review by the Fire Underwriters Survey (FUS), a national firm specializing in fire risk analysis, Revelstoke’s dwelling protection grade (DPG) rating has improved. The city’s DPG rose from 3A to 2, a score that indicates Revelstoke enjoys a near-highest level of fire protection.

The Revelstoke Fire Department provides services to the community.
This improvement means that homes within 300 meters of a fire hydrant, and within eight kilometers by road of a fire station, benefit from the upgraded DPG within city limits. DeRousie informed the city council about the upgrade on Tuesday, February 25.
“A better DPG means that the fire department’s response capabilities, resources, and preparedness have improved, reducing the risk of damage to homes in case of a fire,” a city release stated. “Overall, this improvement indicates both better safety and potential cost savings for residents.”
The enhanced DPG rating directly affects homeowners’ personal insurance policies. DeRousie advised residents to proactively “shop their insurance to two or three different providers” to capitalize on potential competitive rates made possible through the change. He explained that a community with a fire department that meets the performance standards of the FUS often leads to savings exceeding the costs needed to maintain the fire department.
“Your premiums may become half of that for a semi-protected rate,” DeRousie estimated, adding that fully protected properties might see even greater reductions. He further stated that as a general rule of thumb, residents should aim to pay less for their insurance than the variance between what an insured and uninsured homeowner pays. Uninsured residents might currently pay $5,000 to $6,000 annually for “unprotected” coverage. These residents may see those premiums reduced thanks to the city’s DPG improvement. A semi-protected property may be able to get coverage for half that price, or even less for fully-protected properties.
“The reason we exist is basically to help people be compliant with the insurance industry,” DeRousie said, jokingly adding that the only thing we’re certain of in life besides death and taxes is insurance.
DeRousie said he works to keep Revelstoke Fire Rescue Services’ information up to date through the FUS online portal. This helps provides maximum safety for Revelstoke residents, while maintaining the best value for their personal insurance lines.
Looking forward, DeRousie alluded to forthcoming insurance industry changes. He mentioned that the insurance industry will introduce a new system that considers wildfire risk. Additionally, the new system will recognize the homeowners who adopt “FireSmart principles,” potentially yielding more favorable insurance rates.
Residents interested in a FireSmart home assessment can contact Lauren Marfleet at Revelstoke Fire Rescue Services by emailing [email protected]. Additionally, you can visit to learn more about the DPG rating.