Three Rivers Hospital Patients Notified of Data Breach
THREE RIVERS, Mich. — Patients of Three Rivers Hospital received an alert on Monday regarding a data breach, according to CPS Solutions LLC, which supports the hospital’s pharmacy operations. The company announced that unauthorized access to an employee’s business email account occurred on December 4, 2024.

According to the company, the email was secured immediately, and an investigation was initiated. Officials stated that some customers’ personal information was accessed and possibly removed.
The potentially compromised data may have included full names, dates of birth, and health insurance information. The letter specified that social security numbers, driver’s license numbers, credit and debit card information, bank account information, test results, images, hospital medical records, and account passwords were not involved.
“The company regrets this incident and any concern it may have caused anyone,” officials said. “Protecting individuals’ information is a key priority for the organization. As soon as the incident was discovered, the company took immediate action to mitigate and remediate the incident and to help prevent further unauthorized activity. The company is not aware of any misuse of individuals’ information as a result of this incident to date.”
As a result of the breach, CPS is providing affected residents with two years of complimentary credit monitoring and identity protection services. Individuals are also encouraged to closely review any correspondence from healthcare providers and insurance companies to verify all account activity.
For more information, individuals are encouraged to call 1-877-332-4437.