Wisconsin Consumer Complaints: Landlord Issues Top List in 2024
The Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP) received a sizable number of complaints from consumers in 2024. Data released by the agency indicated that 11,374 written complaints were received, with DATCP returning over $23 million to Wisconsin consumers as a result of these complaints. The agency had previously handled over 10,000 complaints in 2023, and resolved more than 11,000 in 2022.
Top 10 Complaint Categories
The most frequent issues reported to DATCP in 2024 are outlined below:
Landlord-Tenant Issues: For the third consecutive year, landlord-tenant disputes topped the list, accounting for 2,525 complaints. Common issues included failures to maintain premises, disputes over security deposits, unauthorized entry, mold and infestation issues, inadequate disclosures, and unsatisfactory service.
DATCP offers a free online guide for tenants and landlords at LandlordTenant.wi.gov.
Telemarketing: DATCP received 1,513 telemarketing complaints in 2024. These included phishing and spoofing attempts, imposter scams, robocalls, harassment, and violations of Wisconsin’s Do Not Call registry.
Home Improvement: Home improvement concerns generated 664 consumer complaints. These related to the quality of work, project delays, failure to provide services or materials, failure to honor warranties, deceptive or misleading representations, and failure to disclose lien rights.
Identity Theft: Identity theft complaints totaled 618, marking an increase over the previous year. The primary issue cited was the takeover of online accounts such as Facebook and other social media. Fraud, data breaches, and compromised identification documents were also noted.
Telecommunications: There were 527 complaints about telecommunications services. Consumers reported billing disputes, customer service dissatisfaction, non-adherence to agreed-upon terms, deceptive practices, difficulties obtaining refunds, and denial of cancellation requests.
Medical Services: A total of 439 complaints were filed in the medical services category. Medical billing disputes were the most frequent concern, with other issues including unsatisfactory service and misleading representations.
Motor Vehicle Repair: DATCP received 341 complaints relating to motor vehicle repair. Common issues included unsatisfactory quality of work, property damage, failure to honor agreements, delays in completing work, and charges for unauthorized work.
Motor Vehicle Sales: Complaints related to new and used vehicle sales accounted for 297 of the complaints. According to DATCP, they work closely with the Wisconsin Department of Transportation on these issues. Inadequate disclosures, prize notice mailers, and misleading representations were frequently cited.
Travel: Complaints related to travel—encompassing issues with airlines, hotels, auto rentals, travel services, and more—amounted to 244. Billing disputes, refund issues, failure to deliver services, no return of deposits, and unsatisfactory service were among the major concerns.
Motor Vehicle Accessories: The tenth-most common complaint category involved motor vehicle accessories, with 141 complaints received. Concerns included refund issues, failure to deliver products, and deceptive and misleading representations.
Other Common Complaints
Other notable consumer complaints, just outside the top ten in 2024, included issues regarding entertainment and recreation, warranties and extended warranties, major appliances, timeshares, furniture, and medical devices.
How to File a Complaint
Consumers seeking more information or looking to file a complaint can visit DATCP’s Consumer Protection webpage at ConsumerProtection.wi.gov. You can also contact the Consumer Protection Hotline at (800) 422-7128 or email DATCPHotline@wisconsin.gov.